Information about ca-de-bou (perro dogo mallorquin)

Important about Cadebou

Gallery  World's  Ca de bou

Video with other ca de bou

Verses about ca-de-bou (in russian)

Life of ca-de-bou Uilis Bruce

KZL Gaviota - As I have appeared!

Summer 2004 on Mallorca

Summer 2005 on Mallorca

Saint-Petersburg - summer 2008

Trip in Belarus, Minsk - november 2009


Choice optimal age

Choice of a puppy sex: a male or a female?

How to choose the healthy puppy?

new ca de bouArrangement of a place for puppy ca-de-bou

new ca de bouThe first contacts to the puppy

Schooling of the puppy to cleanliness

Daily nurturance

Basic preventive maintenance of the dog

Eating of cadebou

new ca de bouWalks

new ca de bouNurturance for flowing female

Conditions of dogs breed Ca-De-Bou in norm and a deviation