Conditions of dogs breed Ca-De-Bou in norm and a deviation
The author: Zaharova M.A. (All rights reserved), also translate in english
Date of the publication on a site: on June, 17th, 2008
In the beginning of article it is necessary to tell what such condition? The physiological condition of an organism which depends on keep (fatness) of an animal, conditions of its maintenance and use, and also from health of a dog is named as condition. Condition is influenced also age of dog.
Let's consider kinds of conditions in norm and a deviation for dogs of breed Ca de bou.
Conditions in norm:
Breeding (kennel or factory) is characterized by good keep (fatness) and strong muscles with the small layer of fat as though is smoothing the forms of Cadebou. The wool-bearing cover of such dog should be shining, behaviour assured, the dog is cheerful (picture 1).
Kennel (factory) condition in dog breeding is considered and as show. Cadebou, presented at an dogshow, should be also pure enough and prepared to show (claws trimed, a teeth are cleared of a tarnish and a stone, eyes and ears are cleared of a secret).

Picture 1. Example of dog Ca de bou in kennel condition.
Now Ca-de-bou is used only as a dog-comrade. For this breed there are no working tests (under the standard) and working class at dogshows.
But if dogs of this breed were used in work (since ca de bou in the past on the native land was a working dog) working condition for cadebou would have the following description:
Working condition is close to factory (kennel). But owing to the strengthened work the dog cadebou at well developed muscles can be with poorly developed fatty layer. At long stay during work on open air and, especially, at the maintenance in a cold house the wool cover at such dogs can be more developed.
Conditions in deviation:
1. Insufficient condition at Ca de bou It differs underdeveloped a fatty layer or its absence, exserted hipbones (come forward osselet of a pelvis), acantha outgrowths of spinal vertebra and even ribs. At cadebou in insufficient condition usually dim wool (picture 2).

Picture 2. Example of dog Ca de bou in insufficient condition
2. Atrophic condition - when to the attributes specified above (for insufficient condition) + the partial atrophy - refinement of muscles, weakness of joints, also a dim wool, shaky gait, apathy, etc.
3. Fat (big) condition at Ca de bou is characterized by plentiful fat depot in hypodermic cellulose, that does a dog orbed. Muscles are not relief, a dorsum very wide, a stomach will not tighten properly, the wool can be greasy. A dog is gets tired, becomes fast languid (the photo is not resulted).
Conditions in a deviation testify to a painful condition of dog Cadebou, its wrong eating and the maintenance.
- The encyclopaedic directory. Your dog. / E.N. Michko
- Official translation of RKF of the standard of breed Ca-De-Bou.