Ca-de-bou - Stress and his preventive

Author: Zakharova M.A.
Sources: The encyclopaedic directory. Your dog/E.N.Michko,

Stress is a condition of organism, arising in reply to long or intensive influence of the irritating factor of any nature. Unlike immunity when in reply to penetration into an organism of alien bodies into work "joins" only immunity system, at stress on irritation all organs react.

The basic kinds of stress (but not unique). Attention! It is possible to speak about stress only when the factor operates constantly, or this very strong single influence. For example, if you have shouted at the puppy when he rough, the stress at puppy will not be, but if on he to be angry and shout constantly, it, certainly, will lead to stress.

Kinds of stress The possible reasons
Social stress
  • Absence of dialogue with other dogs.
  • Position of abject individuals or the outsider in between other dogs, especially at female.
  • Absence of contact with the owner; dislike of owners.
  • The dog for a long time remains one.
Information famine
  • Life on the limited space in constant conditions, for example, the living of a dog in an apartment without walks or an imprisonment on a dacha without an opportunity of an enter for its limits.
Stress of a regroupings
  • Occurrence in the house of a new dog.
  • Change of habitual and favourite walking amadelphous with another.
  • Settlement in the house new or before unfamiliar to a dog a member of family.
  • Life of dog in a unfamiliar place.
Stress of a transportations
  • Transportation in itself while the dog is not accustomed to a concrete type of transport.
  • Crossing on a new place, for example, on a summer residence, on a new apartment.
Emotional stress
  • The big file of new impressions, for example, the first trip by the machine, the first exhibition, etc.
  • Separation from the owner.
  • Early get up of puppies - in the age of till 2 months (it is mutual for mother and puppies).
Ecological trouble
  • Influence of factors of pollution of environment.
  • Change of climatic conditions, especially change of time zone.
  • Usually the stress-reaction is combined with the immune answer to changes of microflora of environment.

Preventionism of stress

  • Whenever possible to avoid the situations causing stress.
  • To provide to ca-de-bou high-grade feeding and the good living.
  • It is obligatory to come into contact with the puppy and to keep it.
  • Precisely to define and support the necessary social status of a dog in family of owners.
  • To train nervous system of an animal, enriching its life experience by various new impressions.
  • Young ca-de-bou even at the dacha living it is obligatory to walk and play a in society of other dogs (even once a week).
  • At inevitability of the influence, capable to cause stress (trips, exhibitions, etc.) to give for preventive living it is desirable vegetative preparations (under the recommendation of the doctor!).