Description of breed ca de bou
Author: Zakharova M.A. (text and photos)Sources: supervision of the author, magazine «Drug» N5 for 1998 year,

I would like to acquaint you with one of the most rare breeds of dog in Russia - Perro Dogo Mallorquin or is simple Ca de bou.
The native land of this surprising breed is Spain, Majorca. Ca de bou were used practically for any work, this breed also participated in bullfight where dogs protected the toreador from the bull.
Today Ca de Bou is a ideal dog-comrade!
Perro Dogo Mallorquin is healthy, the strong, hardy, caressing and clever dog possessing impressive appearance. On force Cadebou surpasses many dogs of other breeds. Cadebou has good grip due to brawn jaws and undershot bite. Very easily gives in to any trainings. An instinct of protection at Cadebou congenital, therefore it is not necessary to train their on protection. The dog starts to protect approximately since 2 months. Ca de Bo shows aggression only in case of serious threat to someone from owners. Dog will protect you even by price of own life. Ca- de-Bou will neutralize attackman, but not gnaw. The dog precisely realizes the its position in family, tenderly feels the mood of owners and exults or afflicts together with you.
Ca de bou is friendly for visitors and small dogs, will cheerfully wave a tail and lick them. These dogs adore children and under no circumstances will touch the child. Your child will cease to be afraid to remain one at home, if near Perro Dogo Mallorquin. This is a unique dog from whom even the child can take everything from a mouth. She easily will give and will ask (will whine, will give a paw, etc.) to return what you have taken.
These dogs adore to play, to swim, pull sleds or a snow-scooter. Your child will be in delight!

Ca-de-bou is an ideal dog for the maintenance in a city apartment: not slobbery , short-woolled, it is unpretentious in meal, silently lays until the owner will not call, gnaws nothing, seldom ails, does not bark. In case of danger the dog starts to growl. Barks, only executing a command of the owner.
Ca de bou - the devoted friend, the excellent watchman and the security guard, and also the best nanny for your children!
Note: Thanks to Natalia - owner of Bel Skay Anabella, to Tatyana - owner of Laska, to Irina - owner of Halva and Julia Esman (kennel "Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi") for our fine ca de bous!