Comments to standard ca-de-bou
Source: Magazine of Spanish Club Ca-de-bou (author is Sergio Gual Fournier).Publication by june 2000 year (The information become outdated for proportions of a head and a muzzle).
Translate from russian to english - Zakharova M. (C)
To start to make comments on breed cadebou, it is necessary to start with the precondition of visual acquaintance with breed cadebou, that is, before going deep into details, how we would like that looked all or the majority of dogs of ca-de-bou, is necessary to know the "typicalness" internally inherent in breed.
It is practically impossible to describe typicalness of this or any other breed, not having familiarized with her earlier, however, strictly applying the standard to any breed, we would find out inside of breed absolutely different dogs in expressiveness and in making, a variety of the sizes with corresponding them proportionality, and, at last, original anarchy of "ideal" samples which in the majority would be considered as samples only very good.
Therefore it is better to accept, as fact, that all we have already familiarized with "typical" samples in alive or on photos, and that all of us are ready to study breed and trained from people more expert in a subject.
Accepting all commented, we shall look, that it is possible to open in this fine and a little the studied breed.
For the beginning, any sign on crossing with other breeds is extremely undesirable. In spite of the fact that some years ago by some unscrupulous owners that pursued, first of all, interests of the own economic well-being, was created the crossings of breed with representatives Bullmastif, Bulldogs, the Canary Mastiffs, Stafford, etc., and that has brought much more negative consequences, than positive; now (two - three years ago), under the decision of the majority of Control Assembly of Club the work is conducted only exclusively with the most typical samples, though among not members of Club exist the people, not ceasing to import samples outside of type, that brings them good money, owing to a deceit of careless buyers and dabblers.
Among such undesirable attributes, whether it from crossing or not, it would be desirable to stop on some, same important, as well as others, but more obvious.
In the field of a head we can observe ears. They should be the triangular form, the smaller size as possible and to look like "rose", though in some situations are admit also slope-eared with expressed their obvious mobility. Such ears are undesirable, which always remain flat, near with a cheek, and as such ears, that have one third (or more) an ear as straight line, even if they move in "rose" forth. Eyes should be the oval form and slightly slant-eyed, but not round, how it is sometimes appreciable at some samples, if eyes is round, it completely change appearance, giving similarity to the Bulldog. The more dark color of an eye - the better.
Transition from a muzzle to a forehead ("stop") in full-face is hardly looked, being slightly more up is conspicuous in side-face, though "stop" and should not be strongly conspicuous, how it is in most cases noticed at samples with short muzzle, mainly, with features of the Bulldog, the Boxer or other breed with a short muzzle.
Passing to a mouth, we should mean, that mouth is in direct dependence on craniofacial proportions of an animal, it because, first of all, it is necessary to tell, that the measurements (have been written couple of years back in last accepted standard of breed) are completely illogical, that completely reflects typicalness ca de bou.
In spite of the fact that we should not accept measurements of the standard literally, we should see and mean, that the measurements that is in the first existing standard, in relation to craniofacial proportions, is and define more really and truthfully phenotype features of a head, and is more concretely - backs of a nose and a muzzle.
The old standard specifies, that the general length of a head makes 22 sm, and the length of a muzzle makes 8,5 sm. As it is possible to see that the length of a muzzle increased on three, will make 25,5 sm. On the other hand, the modern standard developed and accepted not so long ago, specifies, that the general length of a muzzle should make 1/3 from the general length of a head. Thus, if we shall compare the previous proportions, we shall see, that under the old standard the muzzle is longer, than 1/3 general lengths of a head. There should be an attitude approximately 7 to 5 (7 for a skull and 5 for a muzzle), and never 1/3, a proportion characteristic for Boxers, Bulldogs, Dogue de Bordeaux, etc.
This craniofacial proportion directly influences on a jaw and correctness of a bite. As cadebou - a dog working on detention of the bull, he usually has prognathism a bite; namely - a teeth of the bottom jaw ahead of a teeth of the top jaw. Simple barbarity to allocate Ca de bou maximal prognathism up to 1 sm, also, as at the Boxer, Dogue de Bordeaux, etc. the Club has counted that depending on the period of restoration of breed and limitation of number of existing samples of breed of excellent quality, it would be necessary to give as a generous maximum 0,7 sm prognathism, a measurement, more than sufficient for ca-de-bou.
Fortunately, already is study together with Veterinary University of Cordoba and the Royal Cynologique Society of Spain, development of the new and adjusted standard that gives the basis to assume, that new standard will be soon checked up and accepted.
Coming back to correctness of bite ca-de-bou, we have seen, that prognathism is the most widespread though an ideal bite would be contact prognathism, that also it is possible to define as " the turned scissors". Level bite does not exclude meliority a sample of cadebou, scissors bite is more undesirable, and samples of breed possessing it, are excluded from excellent.
Coming back to a theme of a head as a whole, she should be wide and strong, first of all, at males. Sexual dimorphism is differentiated enough. Samples of ca de bou of the open class which, despite of the expressed pedigree forms, have rather small head (at males) would not be to award in national exhibitions. Though, also is not award those samples cadebou which have great volume of a skull, but with atypical forms or characteristic features of other breed (a case heavier, than previous).
Usually head wrinkled in a frontal part, sometimes, depending on part molossoid type in a sample, rugosity on of lateral surfaces, but formation of folds is undesirable.
"Stop" or transition from a muzzle to a forehead should be smooth when you see in a full-face and more expressed in a side-face, never excessively sharp or unduly expressed, such attributes are characteristic for other breeds.
Neck not long, but also and not short. Average length both very strong and powerful, possessing the big mobility and ability to action.
As to the body, its lumbodorsal line should be smoothly descending from withers prior to the beginning croup, very softly rising in croup and falling further the same mode. It is necessary to consider, that the specified difference of heights withers and croup makes only 1-2 sm and consequently the specified difference is appreciable, but is minimal, the broken or downfold (bent) lumbodorsal lines are completely undesirable.
Tail of average landing, not high and not low. However, more important, than landing, its direction. The tail should be lowered up to hock in a quiet condition. In a condition of excitation the tail rises in the form of a sabre above a lumbodorsal line, with an inclination of last third of tail in a direction forward, approximately in parallel a lumbodorsal line. Unwished is tails of too high landing, because in a condition of excitation an animal such tails usually rise perpendicularly lumbodorsal line, and last third of length is descending in a downward direction, that I name " a tail of a scorpion ".
Forequarters limbs should be strong and direct enough. Massive and with powerful bones. Elbows straight though if the sample of cadebou possesses a wide breast, can be slightly placed. The elbows directed inside are undesirable.
Paws strong, slightly orbed with powerful and thick fingers.
Hindquarters limbs brawny, with strong and well expressed haunchs, hocks short, corners abstinent. Appearance of a back part should express power, being brawny and well developed.
Preferable run - a lynx, inclining a head and supporting her at a level of a lumbodorsal line.
The wool short and boardy, but not up to that degree that her do not wash, as I saw it at some cadebous which owners proved that cadebou is " a rural dog ".
Colours - fawn (light brown) and brindle in its all tonalities though preferable fawn the most darken or brindle most probably dark and congenerous. Also possible black colour though it is undesirable. White colour is acceptable up to 30 % in areas of paws, a breast, a muzzle, but the less white, the better. At some samples of ca-de-bou probably presence of a black mask.