Welcome on site of kennel «Miedo del Toro»!
Our kennel is a part of RKF RFLS, RNCB Ca De Bou and works with breed Perro Dogo Mallorquin/Ca De Bou.
Registration in FCI № 9055. Marking: MDK
Owner of kennel:
Zakharova Marina - breeder, specialist on the organization of breeding work.
+7 (495) 716-75-80 (Russia, Moscow), +7-905-536-05-35
Our kennel is a part of RKF RFLS, RNCB Ca De Bou and works with breed Perro Dogo Mallorquin/Ca De Bou.
Registration in FCI № 9055. Marking: MDK
Owner of kennel:
Zakharova Marina - breeder, specialist on the organization of breeding work.
+7 (495) 716-75-80 (Russia, Moscow), +7-905-536-05-35
Kennel's news

her ca de bou Miedo Del Toro Alicia Thomas - excellent, CW, JCAC,
Best Junior of Breed!
Judge: Belkin A. S. (Russia)

We Congratulate all women with 8 March!!!
Let the first snowdrop will present tenderness!
Spring sun will present heat!
And the March wind will present hope,
Both happiness, and pleasure, and only kindly!

ca de bou Miedo Del Toro Almanzor Feliz - excellent, CW, JCAC, Best Junior of Breed!
Judge: Tatiana Chumakina (Belarus)

31.01.2010 - I congratulate my dear Kirochka Happy Birthday!

You adult absolutely but though the child all in a shower is a little,
You run to us, a tail wagging, and jumping at times on us!
In the street you joyfully play, licking us in cheeks,
I with all the heart wish you of good luck, happiness and health this day,
Be always same strong, remarkable, beautiful,
Cheerful, joyful, playful, unbelievable caressing and pleasant!
With love, Zakharova M.A.(C)

junior ca de bous!
I wish for all years of cloudless weather,
Not droplets of a bad weather,
Pleasures, health, happiness!

With love, mother Gaviota. 31.12.2009 - 1.01.2010

Winter holiday on the way,
Old year from us go away,
New year is knocked on a door.
Let with a blizzard and snow
It will bring all good:
To children - pleasure, as before,
The adult - happiness and hopes.
Let New Year's Santa Claus
Will present happiness a whole cart,
Health strong in addition,
In all conceived good luck,
The world, friendship, jokes, caress,
That the life was, as in a fairy tale!
With the best wishes, Zakharova Marina
Kennel "Miedo Del Toro"
P.S. Om photo is my daughter, Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota and her daughter - Miedo Del Toro Andorina

her ca de bou Miedo Del Toro Alicia Thomas - very perspective,
Best Puppy of breed!
Judge: Aleksandrov V. (Russia)

ca de bou Miedo Del Toro Anabella Bellver - very perspective,
Best Puppy of breed!
Judge: Smirnova L.P. (Russia)

with the excellent rezults in both days our ca de bou
Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika - 2*CAC, 2*CACIB, 2*BOS,
Champion of Belarus and closed title of
Judges: Aleksandrov Borys (Ukraine)/ Kisljakov Andrey (Belarus)

ca de bou Miedo Del Toro Almanzor Feliz - very perspective, CW, Best Puppy!
Judge: Kisljakov Andrey (Belarus)

On the Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota the official decision from RKF on shadowgraphs on dysplasia, result is received: HD-C, ED-0. I congratulate Kirochku!

small ca de bou Miedo Del Toro Andorina - very perspective,
Best Puppyof breed!
Judge: Krakovskaya L. (Russia)

ca de bou, Miedo Del Toro Andorina - very perspective,
Best Puppy of breed!
Judge: Blumel Robert (Austria)

Dear Evochka, I and parents are proud of you!!!

I thank to Balakireva Natalia for fine show of Evochka in a ring, and also Lena and Natasha for care about her on a trip!!!