Achievements of our Ca de bou on dogshows 2009

Judge: Aleksandrov V. (Russia)
Puppy class: Miedo Del Toro Alicia Thomas - very promising, CW, Best Puppy female, Best Puppy!

Zakharova M.A.: It was very appealing that the judge estimated not only dogs exterier but also a temper. Alicia behaved excellently in the dogshow and in the ring, although she got for the first time to a dogshow and the room overcrowded by people and dogs. She made friend with a ca de bou, labradors and cane corso.
Thanks to Nastya and Vera for a brilliant growing of Alicia!
21-22.11.2009 - 2*CACIB, "BELARUS-2009" and "AUTUMN-2009", Minsk, Belarus
Judges: Aleksandrov Borys (Ukraine)/ Kisljakov Andrey (Belarus)
Open class/Champion class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika - 2*excellent, 2*CW, 2*CAC, 2*BOS, 2*CACIB, Champion of Belarus and closed title of INTER CHAMPION!

Day 1

Day 2

Zakharova M.A.: We liked the journey itself: a very good road for us and Eva, a marvellous cosy hotel, meetings with friends, good and plainly organized rings, prizes and so on.
Thanks to my husband for this trip, support and photos!
Trip to Minsk 2009 (story)>>>
07.11.2009 - "Derzhava 2009" (rank Champion of RKF)
Judge: Krakovskaya L. (Russia)
Puppy class: Miedo Del Toro Andorina - very promising, CW, Best Puppy female, Best Puppy!

Zakharova M.A.: Andorina was behaving very well inside rings and outside alike, despite the fact that we had to wait for the second ca de bou ring for a very long time that day. She also met a charming young male of Caucasian Shepherd — Balu — and waited for a diploma together with him.

07.11.2009 - Monobreed dogshow Ca de bou (rank Club Winner)
Judge: Blumel Robert (Austria)
Puppy class: Miedo Del Toro Andorina - very promising, CW, Best Puppy female, Best Puppy!

Champion class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika - excellent, 1 place, CAC, CACIB, Best Female and WORLD WINNER-2009!!!
Judge: Carla Molinari (Portugal)

Dear Evochka, I and parents are proud of you!!!
I thank to Balakireva Natalia for fine show of Evochka in a ring, and also Lena and Natasha for care about her on a trip!!!

Source of photos: Zakharova Marina and
In section Ca de bou video is links on movies from ring.
19.07.2009, RKOO "Skilla", CAC, Moscow
Judge: Prozorov D. (Russia)
Baby class: Miedo del Toro Andorina - very promising 1, CW, Best Baby!

Description : Very pedigree head of a modern plasticity, very good balance of a muzzle and skull, good type, typical line of top, very good temperament, very good movements, very good showing. Skan of description.
Champion class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika - excellent 1, CW, CAC, BOS, BOB!

Zakharova M.A.: Babe Apelsinka was perfectly in ring. I am very glad that she has got to the debut under the judge, who knowing many nuances of breed ca de bou. Thanks of Ezhevika, which has gone to support morally the baby at her first dogshow!
28.02.2009 - 1.03.2009, Eurasia 2009, 2*CACIB, Moscow
Open class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika - excellent 1, CAC, BOS, CACIB, Champion of Eurasia and Champion of RKF/ excellent 1, CAC, R.CACIB
Judges: Peter Van Montfoort (Holland)/ Peter F. Berchtold (Austria)
day 1

Zakharova M.A.: After ring, prizes and photographing in the first day, we have met President of RKF - Inshakov Alexander Ivanovich and have asked him to be photographed with us. Ca de bou Evochka very much was pleasant to him, he caressed Ezhevika, and she in the answer has licked his hands!

day 2