Achievements of our Ca de bou on dogshows 2008

Intermedia class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika - excellent, CW, САС, BOS, CACIB, EUROPEAN WINNER-2008 and closed the Champion of Hungary!!!
Judge: Jozsef Zeidl (Hungary)
full rezults>>>
All of us are proud of you Evochka!!!

We thank to Balakireva Elena for magnificent showing our Eva in rings, and also for care about her on a trip!!!

3.10.2008 - Monobreed dogshow on Eurodogshow-2008, Hungary, Budapest
Intermedia class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika - excellent, CW, CAC, BOS, Champion of Hungary Club!
Judge: Igor Selimovic (Croatia)
full rezults>>>

Photo by Iryna Andreieva
Intermedia class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika - excellent, CW, CAC, BOS, Champion of Hungary Club!
Judge: Igor Selimovic (Croatia)
full rezults>>>

Photo by Iryna Andreieva
28.09.2008 - International dogshow «Russia-2008», CACIB, Moscow
Intermedia class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika - excellent, CW, САС, BOS, CACIB, Champion of RKF and start to Interchampion!!!
Judge: Alfonso Thovar del Solar (Spain)
full rezults>>>

Intermedia class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika - excellent, CW, САС, BOS, CACIB, Champion of RKF and start to Interchampion!!!
Judge: Alfonso Thovar del Solar (Spain)
full rezults>>>

28.09.2008 - Monobreed dogshow rank WC, Moscow
Intermedia class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika - excellent, CW, C.Ch.Club, BOS and
Club Winner-2008, closed second Champion of Club!!!
Winner class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota - excellent, 2 place, SS (has not shown movement, temperamental)
Gaviota closed Champion of Club and Grand Champion of Russia!!!
Judge: Christiane Lafay (France)
full rezults>>>

Intermedia class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika - excellent, CW, C.Ch.Club, BOS and
Club Winner-2008, closed second Champion of Club!!!
Winner class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota - excellent, 2 place, SS (has not shown movement, temperamental)
Gaviota closed Champion of Club and Grand Champion of Russia!!!
Judge: Christiane Lafay (France)
full rezults>>>

6-7.09.2008 - 2*CACIB "Dracula Show" and "Romanian Open", Roumania, Targu Mures
Champion class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota - 2*excellent, 2*CW, 2*CAC, 2*CACIB, 2*BOS, 2*BOB, 2*Qualify on Cruft 2009, Champion of Roumania
and closed INTERCHAMPION!!!
Judges: Miklos Levente (Hungary) and Carla Molinari (Portugal)

Champion class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota - 2*excellent, 2*CW, 2*CAC, 2*CACIB, 2*BOS, 2*BOB, 2*Qualify on Cruft 2009, Champion of Roumania
and closed INTERCHAMPION!!!
Judges: Miklos Levente (Hungary) and Carla Molinari (Portugal)

6.09.2008 - "DAC Moloss Club Romania", Roumania, Targu Mures
Champion class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota - excellent, CW, CAC, BOS, BOB,
Champion of DAC Moloss Club Romania!!!
Judge: Paula Heikkinen Lehkonen (Finland)
Champion class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota - excellent, CW, CAC, BOS, BOB,
Champion of DAC Moloss Club Romania!!!
Judge: Paula Heikkinen Lehkonen (Finland)
6.09.2008 - Monobreed dogshow rank WC, Mytischi
Intermedia class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika - excellent, CW, C.Ch.Club, BOS and Club Winner-2008, closed Champion of Club and Grand Champion of Russia only in 17 months!!!
Judge: Prozorov D. (Russia)
full rezults>>>

Intermedia class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika - excellent, CW, C.Ch.Club, BOS and Club Winner-2008, closed Champion of Club and Grand Champion of Russia only in 17 months!!!
Judge: Prozorov D. (Russia)
full rezults>>>

6.09.2008 - САС, Montenegro
Champion class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota - excellent, CW, CAC, BOS, BOB,
Champion of Montenegro!!!
Champion class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota - excellent, CW, CAC, BOS, BOB,
Champion of Montenegro!!!

Champion class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota - 2*excellent, 2*CW, 2*CAC, 2*CACIB, 2*BOS, 2*BOB, Champion of Macedonia!!!
Judges: Mile B. Aleksoski (Macedonia) and Pero Bozinovski (Macedonia)

Photo by Plotnikova Marina/
29-30.08.2008 - 2*CACIB, Bulgaria, Bansko
Champion class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota - 2*excellent, 2*CW, 2*CAC, 2*CACIB, 2*BOS, 2*BOB, Champion of Bulgaria, Grand Champion of Bulgaria, Champion of Balkan Countries!!!
Judges: Elena Jordanova (Bulgaria) and Georgi Eftimov (Bulgaria)
Champion class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota - 2*excellent, 2*CW, 2*CAC, 2*CACIB, 2*BOS, 2*BOB, Champion of Bulgaria, Grand Champion of Bulgaria, Champion of Balkan Countries!!!
Judges: Elena Jordanova (Bulgaria) and Georgi Eftimov (Bulgaria)
13.07.2008 - "Skilla", CAC, Moscow
Intermedia class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika - excellent, CW, CAC, BOS, BOB,
Judge: Chistiakova
Congratulation our ca de bou Ezhevichka with wins, closed Champion of Russia and BIG-IV!!!


Intermedia class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika - excellent, CW, CAC, BOS, BOB,
Judge: Chistiakova
Congratulation our ca de bou Ezhevichka with wins, closed Champion of Russia and BIG-IV!!!


12.07.2008 - OK "LIDER" and KK "SPK", 2 x CAC, Moscow
Intermedia class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika - 2 x excellent, 2 x CW, 2 x CAC, 2 x BOS, 2 x BOB, 2 x C.Ch.OANKOO
Judges: Kuplyauskas E. (Russia) and Ostrovskaya (Russia)
Congratulation ca de bou Ezhevika with debut in intermedia class and first CAC!!!

Intermedia class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika - 2 x excellent, 2 x CW, 2 x CAC, 2 x BOS, 2 x BOB, 2 x C.Ch.OANKOO
Judges: Kuplyauskas E. (Russia) and Ostrovskaya (Russia)
Congratulation ca de bou Ezhevika with debut in intermedia class and first CAC!!!

Judge: Stefan Sinko (Slovenia)
full rezults>>>
We are proud to you, the our sunny!!!

Profound gratitude to Balakireva Elena for show of Gaviota - our Magnificent Handler, and also to Svetlana Kovaleva for care about Kira on a trip!!!
Thanks for photos to Svetlana Kovaleva and Ludmila Tokare!!!

28-29.06.2008 - «White Nights-2008», 2xCACIB, Saint-Petersburg
Class of Champion/Open: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota - excellent, 1 place, CAC, R.CACIB/excellent, 2 place (thus R.CAC, R.CACIB)
Judges: Dorota Kuczynska-Standello (Poland)/ Khomasuridze R.R. (Russia)
Class of Champion/Open: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota - excellent, 1 place, CAC, R.CACIB/excellent, 2 place (thus R.CAC, R.CACIB)
Judges: Dorota Kuczynska-Standello (Poland)/ Khomasuridze R.R. (Russia)

31.05.2008 - Monobreed dogshow, rank Candidate in Ch. of Club, Korolev
Winner class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota - excellent, without place (without explanation)
Judge: Zavgorodniy (Russia)

Winner class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota - excellent, without place (without explanation)
Judge: Zavgorodniy (Russia)

18.05.2008 - National Monobreed dogshow, rank Champion of Club, Moscow
Junior class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika - excellent, CW, JBOS, Junior Champion of Club
Winner class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota - excellent, CW, C.Ch.Club
Judge: Khomasuridze R.R. (Russia)
Congratulate Eva with Junior Champion of Club!!!

Junior class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika - excellent, CW, JBOS, Junior Champion of Club
Winner class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota - excellent, CW, C.Ch.Club
Judge: Khomasuridze R.R. (Russia)
Congratulate Eva with Junior Champion of Club!!!

10.05.2008 - Monobreed dogshow of Ca de bou, rank Winner of Club, Moscow
Winner class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota - excellent, 2 place, SS
Judge: Prozorov D. (Russia)
Winner class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota - excellent, 2 place, SS
Judge: Prozorov D. (Russia)

15.03.2008 - Monobreed dogshow of Ca de bou, rank Winner of Club, Moscow
Junior class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika - excellent, 1 place, J.C.Ch. Club, JBOS, Junior Winner of Club-2008
Open class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota - excellent, 2 place, SS
Judge: Zhuk G.
Congratulate Eva with J.Winner of Club and close the Junior Champion of Club!!!
Junior class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika - excellent, 1 place, J.C.Ch. Club, JBOS, Junior Winner of Club-2008
Open class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota - excellent, 2 place, SS
Judge: Zhuk G.
Congratulate Eva with J.Winner of Club and close the Junior Champion of Club!!!

08.02.2008 - 2* CACIB, Eurasia 2008-1,2
Junior class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika - 2*excellent, 2*CW, 2*JCAC, Best Junior
Open class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota - 2*excellent, 2*CW, 2*CAC
Judges: Aleksandrov V. (Russia)/ Bas Bosch (Holland)
Congratulate Ezhevika with Junior Champion of Russia!!!

Junior class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika - 2*excellent, 2*CW, 2*JCAC, Best Junior
Open class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota - 2*excellent, 2*CW, 2*CAC
Judges: Aleksandrov V. (Russia)/ Bas Bosch (Holland)
Congratulate Ezhevika with Junior Champion of Russia!!!

08.02.2008 - International dogshow, CACIB, Tallin, Estonia
Champion class: ca de bou Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota - excellent, CW, CAC, CACIB, BOS
Judge: Elina Tan-Hietalahti (Finland)
Congratulate Kiria with 8-th CACIB and Champion of Estonia!!!
Champion class: ca de bou Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota - excellent, CW, CAC, CACIB, BOS
Judge: Elina Tan-Hietalahti (Finland)
Congratulate Kiria with 8-th CACIB and Champion of Estonia!!!

19.01.2008 - Monobreed dogshow of Ca de bou, rank Candidate in Ch. of Club
Junior class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika - excellent 1, Junior Candidate in Ch. of Club, Best Junior
Open class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota - excellent 1, BOS, Candidate in Ch. of Club
Judge: Khomasuridze R.R. (Russia)
Junior class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika - excellent 1, Junior Candidate in Ch. of Club, Best Junior
Open class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota - excellent 1, BOS, Candidate in Ch. of Club
Judge: Khomasuridze R.R. (Russia)

19.01.2008 - "Day of Happydog" and "Cup of Belcando", 2xCAC
Junior class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika - 2 x excellent, 2 x CW, 2 x JCAC, 2 x BJ, BOB
Judges: Krakovskaya L. V. (Russia) and Prozorov D. A. (Russia)
Congratulate our small ca de bou Ezhevika with debut in junior class,
first JCAC and first BOB in life!!!

Junior class: Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika - 2 x excellent, 2 x CW, 2 x JCAC, 2 x BJ, BOB
Judges: Krakovskaya L. V. (Russia) and Prozorov D. A. (Russia)
Congratulate our small ca de bou Ezhevika with debut in junior class,
first JCAC and first BOB in life!!!