Joy page from Ca-de-bou 1

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ca de bou, cadebou, perro dogo mallorquin. Red beaver - ca de bou
Red beaver - ca de bou
ca de bou, cadebou, perro dogo mallorquin. Baby ca de bou ca de bou, cadebou, perro dogo mallorquin. One ball have given on a two)
Baby ca de bou One ball have given on a two)
ca de bou,  cadebou. Loves treesca de bou,  cadebou. Loves trees
Loves trees
ca de bou,  cadebou. Hihihi, scratch me still) ca de bou,  cadebou. Rabbit
Hihihi, scratch me still) Rabbit
ca de bou,  cadebou. My house vehicle ca de bou,  cadebou. I sunbathe! ca de bou,  cadebou. Has caught
My house vehicle I sunbathe! Has caught
ca de bou,  cadebou. I dive into a snow, I dive into waterca de bou,  cadebou. I dive into a snow, I dive into water
I dive into a snow, I dive into water
ca de bou,  cadebou.  I shall whisper to you on an ear... ca de bou,  cadebou. Here so a nose)
I shall whisper to you on an ear... Here so a nose)