Ring was 3 Jule 2008. Judge of ca de bou was Stefan Sinko (Slovenia).
Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Epifan, 04.04.07, (Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Bond. James Bond x Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Abrikosovaya Halva), breeder is Esman Yu., owner is Gundorov V., Russia, Moscow - excellent, 1 place, JCAC, Best Junior, Junior World Winner-2008
Yaropolk Svetleyshiy Knyaz, 20.11.05, (Ispanets Korsar x Ampara el Dragon), breeder is Kobyasheva E.A., owner is Tabakov, Russia, Ekaterinburg - excellent, 1 place, CAC, CACIB, Best Male, Best of Breed, World Winner-2008, Champion of Sweden
Zvezda Askony Alaro Del Tanzher, 15.05.06, (Torrent De Pareis Atila x Ventura), breeder is Yaschikhina A.&Pr. Aleksandrovskoy, owner is Hult Clas&Raija, Finland, Pornainen - excellent, 2 place, R.CAC, R.CACIB, Vice-World Winner-2008
Lat-Sao de Almallutx, EECH FINUCH FINV-04 FINV-05 NORDV-05, 28.12.01, (Atroc d’es Puig des Teix x Flora de Almallutx), breeder is Gual Fournier Sergio&Camacho Diaz Maria Del Pilar, owner is Hult Clas, Finland, Pornainen - excellent, 3 place
Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota, 31.01.06, (Tornados-P'eros Aleksandres x Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ataka Nezhnosti), breeder is Esman Yu., owner is Zakharova M., Russia, Moscow - excellent, 1 place, CAC, CACIB, Best Female, World Winner-2008, Champion of Sweden
Borde Bou'n Reveltosa Sor, 09.07.06, (Lat-Sao de Almallutx x Rapa-Nui de Almallutx), breeder is Hult Clas&Raija, owner is Hult Benny&Heidi Raija&Clas. Finland, Espoo - excellent, 2 place
Rapa-Nui de Almallutx, 25.04.04, (K-2 de Almallutx x Flora Almallutx), breeder is Gual Fournier Sergio&Camacho Diaz Maria Del Pilar, owner is Hult Clas, Finland, Pornainen - did not go
Mango Rico Felipe Geraldo, EST V CH LV J CH, 18.01.06, (Lambert Kris Osanna x Moira Magdalena R.J.Osanna), breeder is Madli Palm, owner is Arvo Alvik, Estonia, Tallin - excellent, 1 place, CAC
Nostradamus R.J.Osanna, RUCH, 02.12.05, (Ikar Chevalier Osanna x Dorada de Rompehuesos), breeder is R.Jasinska, owner is A.Datsun, Russia, Vladivostok - excellent, 2 place
Zorina Royal Pearl, EUW-07 JWW-06 RUCH, 25.10.2005, (Ikar Chevalier Osanna x Fey Kaind), breeder and owner is Ermak E., Russia, Moscow - excellent, 1 place, CAC, R.CACIB, Vice-World Winner-2008
Source: www.worlddogshow2008.se, We thank Svetlana Kovaleva and Ludmila Tokare for photos from a ring!