News of our сa de bou (cadebou) 2009
9.10.2009 - I congratulate puppies: Alman, Arvi, Alisi, Bella, Alya, Dzhessi, Arta and Apelsinka with 6 months! 
The autumn gold shines, giving to soul the magic light,
You on day of a birth congratulating,
I wish kind, long years, health, gladness, good luck,
Good meetings, the cheerful eyes, all good.
That is, I wish to see in happiness you!

With love, mother Gaviota.
27.09.2009 - I congratulate Alman both its owners Alexander and Olga with an excellent rezult! Dogshow Fauna, Brest, Belarus.
ca de bou Miedo Del Toro Almanzor Feliz - very perspective, CW, Best Baby!
Judge: Helena Borisova (Belarus)
29-30.08.2009 - I congratulate Alman both its owners Alexander and Olga with debut on a dogshow 2*CACIB, "Winner-2009" and "August-2009", Minsk, Belarus.
ca de bou Miedo Del Toro Almanzor Feliz - 2*very perspective, 2*CW, 2*Best Baby!
Judges: Danilova N. (Belarus) / Rodionov O. (Belarus)

19.07.2009 - I congratulate on a debut at an dogshow RKOO "Skilla"
our babe ca de bou, Miedo Del Toro Andorina - Best Baby!
and Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika with excellent showing, BOS and BOB!
Judge: Prozorov D. (Russia)

9.07.2009 - I congratulate our ca de bou puppies a litter "A" with 3 months!
You now babies, health to you and all successes,
We wish, that in a life a lot of happiness was,
Good luck - the faithful companion was,
And that always on vital road
The sun, caress and owners love sufficed!

Thanks to owners of our children for boundless love to the puppies! 09.04.2009 - Ca de bou puppies was born, litter A.
Ispanets Korsar x Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota
Video with puppies of ca de bou (first walk)>>>

04.04.2009 - I congratulate our gold Evochka with 2 years!

All together in your birthday we wish by our heart and soul:
the health, vivacity and laughter,
in all your affairs of success,
And that the lucky star would shine always to you!

On the Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika the official decision from RKF on shadowgraphs on dysplasia, result is received: HD-B, ED-0. I congratulate Evochku! 8.03.2009
Dear women I congratulate you on the International Women's day!!!
March plays, on icicles is shades,
the Sky has opened an umbrella blue,
With the Women's day - Tender and sonorous,
With kind happiness, pleasure, in the spring!!!
28.02.2009-1.03.2009, 2*CACIB, EURASIA-2009, Moscow
I congratulate
ca de bou Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika with excellent results in both days and titles
the Champion of Eurasia-2009 and 2-th Champion of RKF!!!

I thank to our handlers Balakirevs Elena and Natalia for magnificent showing of Evochka in both days!!!
31.01.2009 - I congratulate our dear Kirochku with 3 years!
Almost 3 years ago you have appeared in our house a kidling, having brought with yourself a lot of gladness, energy and love,
and now you became absolutely adult!
Happy Birthday, our sunny!
We wish you long life, health, successes, excellent puppies!

The autumn gold shines, giving to soul the magic light,
You on day of a birth congratulating,
I wish kind, long years, health, gladness, good luck,
Good meetings, the cheerful eyes, all good.
That is, I wish to see in happiness you!

With love, mother Gaviota.

ca de bou Miedo Del Toro Almanzor Feliz - very perspective, CW, Best Baby!
Judge: Helena Borisova (Belarus)

ca de bou Miedo Del Toro Almanzor Feliz - 2*very perspective, 2*CW, 2*Best Baby!
Judges: Danilova N. (Belarus) / Rodionov O. (Belarus)

our babe ca de bou, Miedo Del Toro Andorina - Best Baby!
and Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika with excellent showing, BOS and BOB!
Judge: Prozorov D. (Russia)

9.07.2009 - I congratulate our ca de bou puppies a litter "A" with 3 months!

You now babies, health to you and all successes,
We wish, that in a life a lot of happiness was,
Good luck - the faithful companion was,
And that always on vital road
The sun, caress and owners love sufficed!

Thanks to owners of our children for boundless love to the puppies! 09.04.2009 - Ca de bou puppies was born, litter A.
Ispanets Korsar x Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Gaviota
Video with puppies of ca de bou (first walk)>>>

All together in your birthday we wish by our heart and soul:
the health, vivacity and laughter,
in all your affairs of success,
And that the lucky star would shine always to you!

On the Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika the official decision from RKF on shadowgraphs on dysplasia, result is received: HD-B, ED-0. I congratulate Evochku! 8.03.2009
Dear women I congratulate you on the International Women's day!!!
March plays, on icicles is shades,
the Sky has opened an umbrella blue,
With the Women's day - Tender and sonorous,
With kind happiness, pleasure, in the spring!!!

ca de bou Kollekciya Zolotoy Lisi Ezhevika with excellent results in both days and titles
the Champion of Eurasia-2009 and 2-th Champion of RKF!!!

I thank to our handlers Balakirevs Elena and Natalia for magnificent showing of Evochka in both days!!!
31.01.2009 - I congratulate our dear Kirochku with 3 years!

Almost 3 years ago you have appeared in our house a kidling, having brought with yourself a lot of gladness, energy and love,
and now you became absolutely adult!
Happy Birthday, our sunny!
We wish you long life, health, successes, excellent puppies!