Schooling of the puppy to cleanliness
Author: Zakharova M.A.Sources: The encyclopaedic directory. Your dog/E.N.Michko, John Fisher "Think Dog! An Owner`s Guide to Canine Psychology"
The small puppy is not able to supervise yet the physiological necessity and quite often leaves pools and heaps on a floor of the house though with him regularly walk.
Cleanliness should be learned, using that already 3 week puppies do not spoil in a jack, and depart from it. Usually puppies study to ask " on affairs " quickly enough - approximately by 3-4 months, but here to suffer 5-6 hours and more cannot. At 3 single walks the dog finally ceases to spoil in the house to 6-8 monthly age. However he being pleased with returning of owners - can make a pool.
Schooling to cleanliness in the house
- The puppy aspires to make all after a dream and meal. Very small puppies leave pools on many times on day.
- The puppy, going to release from intestines, starts to be turned on one place and to sit down. Usually for a toilet he chooses the certain place in the house, far away from the bedroom and a feeding trough.
- Put into the place chosen by the puppy, for example, washtub, which have the layer of newspapers, and transfer the puppy on it right after meal and a dream, sentencing tenderly "Walk". In washtub put a cloth moistened by its urine, you must try to not miss the moment when the puppy starts to sit down.
- If the puppy does the all in an inconvenient place for you, you can wipe the floors by vinegar or sprinkle with a spray of "Antigadin" (for dogs).
Schooling to walk
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Mistakes of owners | Explanation |
To stick the puppy by a nose into its pools | It frightens the puppy, but to understand in what he was guilty, the kid cannot. |
To shout at the puppy even if he has sat down on affairs in the middle of a snow-white carpet | It is better to be away carpets while the puppy will grow, - they will be whole. |
To punish the kid for traces of ability to live which have appeared in your absence | The puppy not in a condition to connect two events, that is far in time. |
To hesitate with walk | The puppy cannot wait by virtue of the physiology. The direct gut is emptied shortly after the stomach of the puppy was filled. |