The basic preventive for your ca-de-bou - Dezinsectsia

Author: Zakharova M.A.
Sources: The encyclopaedic directory. Your dog/E.N.Michko,

Dezinsectsia - this destruction and scaring away of insects and arthropods (acaridans) (together - external parasites) which in a warm season cause a serious loss to health of a dog.

Methods of struggle against fleas, louses, acaridans

Fleas, louses and ect. bite through a leather, causing a constant itch. Their excrement and a saliva provoke sore of a leather, allergic reactions. These external parasites can be carriers of the most different illnesses (including helminths).

Nonspecific measures of struggle
  • at the room living, is a regular to clean a laying, carefully to vacuum-clean baseboard and a floor.
  • at the street living of dog, to debar coacervation organic (a wool, urine, dung, ramentums of a leather) in a place of the living of a dog.
  • to debar games of a dog with neglected animals.
Specific measures of struggle
  • during a warm season of year to put on a dog against fleas a dog-collar. The dog-collar carries constantly during the term specified in the instruction, then varies on new. Attention! allergic reaction to a dog-collar is possible - on a regular to check a condition of a leather under it.
  • most an effective utilization of preparations as Frontlain, the Bars, Adventics (to use them on the instruction).
  • exist against fleas shampoos, but they are applied already in case of infection as medical means, and their frequent use is not recommended.

Acaridans of various families cause an inflammation in a place of a bite, are carriers of infections dangerous to a life of a dog. Microscopic acaridans cause an ear itch, parasitize inside of a leather and internal organs (demodekoz), other kinds transfer activators heavy invazitsion (parasitic) diseases - piroplasmosis and toxoplasmosis.

Nonspecific measures of struggle
  • right after thawing of a snow carefully collect and burn a dry grass - on it hungry (after winter sleep) acaridans sit, in pending of victims.
  • in the spring avoid walks on a dense bush and a frequent fir grove, there the meeting with acaridans is most probable.
Specific measures of struggle
  • regular processings of a dog need to be spent since spring (the first signal - occurrence of thawed patches) and till late autumn (steady night frosts, day time temperature 0-5).
  • use against fleas a dog-collar against acaridans ineffectively, because the acaridans on a dog does not jump.
  • most an effective utilization of preparations as Frontlain, the Bars, Adventics (to use them on the instruction, on weight of a dog). Drops or a spray put not only on withers and a back, but also on paws, a stomach, a muzzle, avoiding in eyes. Dog it is impossible to wash 3 days up to and during 3-5 days after processing. Repeated processing by the Bars later 2 weeks, Frontlain or Adventics - later 3 weeks (drops on withers), 4 weeks (spray). Attention! Be afraid of fakes - preparation Frontlain is made only in France!

First aid at a bite of the acaridan

  • after walks carefully examine paws, a head and a stomach of a dog are the most probable places of an attachment of the parasite.
  • if the acaridan has already stuck, do not try to pull out it! Most likely, the oral device of the parasite remains in a leather of a dog that will lead to a long suppuration.
  • grease the acaridan with any oil, or spray cologne - most likely he will fall off itself in some minutes.
  • after a bite of the acaridan necessarily supervise the general condition and temperature of a dog. At any attributes of trouble, especially at rise in temperature, change of color of urine, weakness - immediately call a doctor!!! Give to a dog full rest.

Methods of struggle against flies, clegs, botflies

Flies pollute products, postpone eggs not only for the relics of food and on excrements, but also in some cases in nose courses of an animal, in the open wounds. Botflies and clegs bite through a leather, drink blood and postpone under a leather of an egg.

Nonspecific measures of struggle
  • at the street living of dog in due time to clean sullage, the relics of food. To not leave a nutriment in a basin. (in the summer if the dog lives out of city usually)
  • traumas to close bandages or to grease with birch tar.
Specific measures of struggle
  • at mass emergence parasites to spray all surfaces near to a place of the living of a dog by preparation applied to struggle against insects-wreckers. To use under the instruction. All processings to spend in in gloves and a respirator at absence of a dog.
  • outside of reach of a dog to put a bait for flies, to hang out sticky tapes-traps.

Methods of struggle against mosquitoes, malanders and a midge

Mosquitoes, midge, malanders suck blood. Especially strongly injure a leather a midge and malanders as they do not impale, and scrunch covers. Bloodsucker annoy not only to these, they are carriers of parasites which can get in blood of a dog.

Nonspecific measures of struggle
  • during mass incursion on a regular to mow down a grass on a dacha.
  • in barrel it is possible to fill in a surface of water a thin layer of vegetable oil (air is necessary for breath to larvas).
Specific measures of struggle
  • in where the dog contains to establish fumigator. It is better to use liquid because a smoke disturbs your dog less.
  • for the period of walks a wool on a muzzle, especially around of eyes to rub or spray especial preparation (necessarily study the instruction!), avoiding in eyes.