Choice optimal age
Source: The encyclopaedic directory. Your dog/E.N.Michko, translation into english by Zakharova M.
Usually consider, that the puppy should be taken away from mother while he absolutely small, motivating is that so he will more quickly get used to a new place. But it is not absolutely true. The age in which a dog take in the house, depends on that, how much its future owners are capable and ready to provide high-grade growth, and from with what purpose they get a dog. The origin of the puppy is important also - whether is his breeder (the owner of mum-female) the professional or the fan. Resulted below division on age approximately.
Dog in the age of from 45 days up to 3 (it is rare up to 4) months. At a choice of the puppy it is necessary to remember, that, according to rules of the RKF, puppies in the age of till 1,5 months it is forbidden to take away from mother.
Advantages of a choice |
- The puppy in the age of from 1,5 till 3 months - charm.
- The highest dependence from human, desire constantly to be a near.
- Instantly gets used to orders in the new house.
- He is always ready to play and caress.
- In the street does not depart far from the owner, he is afraid to be lost.
Demerits of a choice |
- To define, how much puppy corresponds to requirements of the standard of breed and what his prospects to become breeding cadebou, the expert or the selector of concrete breed can only.
- The puppy in 1,5-2 months in norm still should eat parent milk though already and he is capable to eat "adult" food. Therefore translation into new feeding stuff from the lack of parent milk can lead to serious problems of digestion.
- Despite of requirements of RKF, the small puppy can be without vaccination.
- In city of the puppy it is impossible to deduce on street before the termination vaccination quarantine, till 2,5-3 months.
- The puppy recovers (crap) in an apartment and does it often.
- It is impossible to leave the puppy all the day one, it badly affects on his mentality.
- Mistakes of the beginner-owner in education and growth of the puppy of this age can be corrected with huge work.
Dog in the age of from 3-4 till 6-10 months. The more large breed, the longer the dog remains the junior.
Advantages of a choice |
- Animal completely with vaccination.
- It is possible to walk in the street without fear, that your puppy will catch and will be ill.
- The most suitable age for initial training on obedience.
- The junior already tries to suffer and to not recover in the house.
- Demerits of an anatomic structure, especially large, can already notice and the nonprofessionals.
- Character of a dog can be defined, having observed its behaviour.
- The junior easily adapts for change of conditions and changes in a diet.
- The dog who has been grown up in kennel, is mentally ready to leave in the new house and to get own owner.
Demerits of a choice |
- The junior feels the passion of research of world around; he wants all to look, touch, try on a tooth.
- Significant independence, dog can escape on walk.
- There is an aspiration to lift up other dogs.
- Active aspiration to communicate with all world, friendliness under the attitude to " to all people without exception".
- At training there are contrariness attempts, to refuse performance of already known command.
- Change of a teeth, especially at powerfull flowing, can worsen the health of a dog and demands the close attitude from the owner.
- After change of a teeth repeated vaccination is necessary.
Age from 6 month to one year. The dog has reached a sexual maturity, but physical and mental formation for the present is not completed.
Advantages of a choice |
- Breed of an animal and opportunity of its use for breeding are defined correctly.
- The dog is grown already up and socially adapted: elements of correct behaviour in a society of people and the other dogs are imparted.
- At presence of good contact to the owner it is possible to start an initial rate of training.
- The dog who has been grown up in kennel, mentally is not simply ready, and aspires to leave in the new house and to get own owner.
- To the dog who has been grown up in kennel, repeated vaccination is made that guarantees stability to infections for a year.
Demerits of a choice |
- For adaptation on a new place and full accustoming to the owner, for dog is required about 2 weeks.
- The owner has no concept about previous experience of a life of a dog and its character: whether she is obstinate, whether is timid, etc. It can to complicate training up to the certain degree.
- Can be of fear or aggression concerning some subjects and the objects connected with the "last" life of a dog.
The dog is more senior than year. Adult, physically and mentally generated animal. Purchase of an adult animal is justified only at its purchase in kennel for breeding. To accept from hands of the owner-fan dog-"repel", the animal which former owners have refused, is extremely problematic and even it is dangerous, as the most widespread reason of refusal of a dog - her aggression in relation to owners.
Advantages of a choice |
- The dog was trained.
- All problems of growing have remained behind.
- The dog has show estimations of the ex-terrier.
Demerits of a choice |
- Difficulty of adjustment of contact with the new owner. Time is required that the dog has loved new family and began to trust people.
- Are completely generated character and habits - to retrain an adult animal is very difficultly.