The basic preventive for your ca-de-bou - Vaccination
Author: Zakharova M.A.
Sources: The encyclopaedic directory. Your dog/E.N.Michko,
Vaccination is a creation of artificial immunity by means of introduction in an organism of a dog of a vaccine. Such immunity is not proof, therefore vaccination should be repeated through regular time intervals.
Ca de bou impart different vaccines, but one of the most reliable and widespread are vaccines of firm Nobivac and Eurican.
Nobivac |
- against a plague carnivorous, adenoviruz (hepatites), paragrippe, paroviruz, two strains of leptospirosis and furiousness.
- whey is included in the scheme of immunization against a plague, a hepatites and paroviruz which can be entered from 3-4 week age.
- there is a separate complex only against leptospirosis and furiousness.
- some schemes of vaccination are stipulated.
Nobivac antirabic |
- monovalent vaccine against furiousness.
When the dog cannot vaccination.
Let's list cases when vaccination is categorically counter-indicative.- necessity of transportation of a dog during quarantine
- body temperature above 39 C
- high amount of helminths or absence degelmintizatsiya
- flowing female
- nourish female
- aggravation of chronic disease
- suspicion for the incubatory (latent) period of infectious disease
- trauma or other surgical disease
Requirements to a vaccine and the rules of vaccination
Most easier vaccination of a dog in governmental veterinary clinic at the good doctor if such opportunity is not present it is necessary to know:
- At purchase of a vaccine check up working life and demand the instruction on application (the scheme of vaccination).
- Store a vaccine at temperature 4-6 With (in a refrigerator)
- Transport a vaccine only in a cold thermos (not on an ice!!!).
- ATTENTION!!! The vaccine that stored heat more of 2 hours, completely loses the properties, and her to use it is impossible.
- The dissolved dry vaccine is stored no more than hour even in a refrigerator.
- Degelmintizatsiya a dog 7-14 days prior to vaccination
- One day prior to an inoculation in the morning and in the evening take a dog temperature. If it above 39 With - vaccination of a dog is impossible!!!
- Closely read the instruction.
- For vaccination to use a one-off syringe. Inoculated, then throw out it.
- Strictly observe quarantine: do not wash a dog, do not walk under a strong rain, limit walks and contacts. Physical training, training and exhibitions are forbidden.
- Duration of quarantine makes 3 weeks, at revaccination (a repeated inoculation) - 10 days (if in the instruction other is not specified).
Terms of vaccination
Sucking puppy |
- According to the instruction to a concrete vaccine: in the age of from 5 till 8 weeks.
- Repeatedly later 3 weeks if in the instruction other is not specified.
- To use only the polyvalent vaccines which are not containing antigenes of furiousness.
The junior after full change of a teeth |
- The inoculation polyvalent (a wide spectrum of action) a vaccine, including against furiousness is obligatory.
Adult dogs |
- Annually, a polyvalent vaccine + against furiousness.
Old dogs (after 7-8 years) |
- At old dogs the risk of a sensitization (sharp increase of sensitivity on various external factors) sharply raises.
- To inoculation only against furiousness a monovaccine.
Female before mating |
- At adverse epidemic conditions, the vaccination is prior 1 month to the prospective beginning of flowing.
- If flowing has begun unexpectedly, vaccination to spend it is impossible! The Risk of disease healthy not inoculation female during pregnancy and feeding is small, since intensity of nonspecific immunity sharply raises.
- Vaccination during are mating and also pregnancy it is fraught with the immune answer to sperm of a dog and oospore therefore puppies will not be.
In special cases for backed of immunity of a dog (which it is impossible vaccination) can be entered immunity stimulators. Only according to the doctor!