6-th Monobreed dogshow of Ca de bou
on April, 19, 2003 in Moscow

6-th National Monobreed exhibition of breed ca de bou took place on April, 19th, 2003 in stadium Brothers Znamenskys.

Judge has been invited Sarmont (Belarus).

Ours cadeboshechka - Uilis Bruce was exposed for the first time and has been written in the open class.

Under the catalogue 38 dogs of breed ca de bo have been written. We go to look at others ca-de-bous. It is very interestingly since earlier we did not see others cadebo, except for mother of our boy.

As a result at dogshow Uilis has received the diploma with an estimation well and the ribon.

Unfortunately we had not enough information on breed, and in particular on nurturance of the puppy, therefore Ulis has been presented not in the exhibition form - gracile. It is necessary to note, that he behaved exemplary unlike some other cadebou which continually tried to fight with each other.

Uilis Bruce - simply attaboy! A pity only he was not in good condition in time and it has affected its estimation. (((

Other rezults (only winners):

Puppy class


Gubernator Mallorca (fawn), 20.10.02, (Kastor's Haus Korsar x Gella Zolotaya Lisa), breeder - Esman, owner - Kotlov - very perspective, 1 place, Best puppy male


Galaxy Star (fawn), 20.10.02, (Kastor's Haus Korsar x Gella Zolotaya Lisa), breeder - Esman, owner- Timofeeva - very perspective, 1 place, Best puppy female

Junior class


Zen Non Mallorquin (brindle), 13.06.02, (Urmas x Irimen Mona Liza), owner - Lebedeva - *****

Matsalen Ezhen Alzir Boy (fawn), 08.12.01, (General Aha Osanna x Matsalen Dariana Nikita), owner - Nikolskaya - excellent, 1 place, BJ Male


Flora Esmiralda (fawn), 28.06.02, (Vikont x Nastursia), owner - Magula L. - excellent, 1 place, BJ Female

Intermedia class


Olgerd Ricliss (fawn), 11.01.02, (Irimen Metiu x Matsalen Rossi Vial), owner - Zakharchuk V. - excellent, 1 place, Candidate in CH. of Club


Muna Shloss (fawn), 20.11.01, (General Aha Osanna x Dilari), owner - Iliesh A. -excellent, 1 place, Candidate in CH. of Club, Best female, Champion of Club

Open class


Efrat Rid (fawn), 17.08.99, (Embat del Gor Blau x Matsalen Zorga), owner - Maslov - -----

ca de bou, cadebou, perro dogo mallorquin. ca-de-bou efrat rid

Uilis Bruce, (fawn), 07.05.00, (Iris x Bel Skay Anabella), owner - Volodin E. - well

ca de bou, cadebou, perro dogo mallorquin. ca-de-bou uilis bruce 2003 year ca de bou, cadebou, perro dogo mallorquin. ca de bou uilis bruce 2003 year

Irimen Uran (brindle), 20.06.00, (Matsalen Dzheks Angel x Irimen Afrodita Darling), owner - Shishkina T. - excellent, 1 place, Candidate in CH. of Club

ca de bou, cadebou, perro dogo mallorquin. uran


Matsalen Zorga (fawn), 23.10.96, (Leon x Dona del Gor Blau), owner - Fetisova - excellent, 1 place, Candidate in CH. of Club

Winner class


Diamond Dast (fawn), 08.08.99, (Embat del Gor Blau x Matsalen Benita), owner - Levusev - excellent, 1 place, Candidate in CH. of Club

Champion class


Ispanets Korsar (fawn), 21.08.01, (Kastor's Haus Korsar x Gella Zolotaya Lisa), owner - Polygalov - excellent, 1 place, Candidate in CH. of Club, Best male, Champion of Club


Irimen Uelsi (brindle), Ch. Russia, Belarus, 31.07.99, (Matsalen Dzheks Angel x Irimen Afrodita Darling), owner - Moreva - excellent, 1 place, Candidate in CH. of Club

***** - no information

newMono 28-09-08

newMono 06-09-08

Mono (autumn 2006)

Mono (spring 2006)

Mono (autumn 2005)

Mono (spring 2005)

Mono 2004

Mono 2003

Monobreed shows