About dogshows

Dogshow is very beautiful eyeful. It is simultaneous and holiday for lovers of dogs, and very serious zoocultural exhibition.

For what dogshows are necessary?

Ranks of dogshows

How to register on dogshow (a rule of registration)?

Dogshow classes and estimations awarded in them (+ Titles appropriated on dogshows)

Examination in the ring


For what dogshows are necessary?

For the owner of a dog the dogshow is:

On dogshow the breeder (the owner of female), in turn, can look candidates in "grooms", offered to him a specialist in breeding.

Value of a dogshow for a dog:

Ranks of dogshows

  • International exhibitions which are spent according to planned timetable of FCI*.
  • To participation in international dogshows of rank CACIB are admited only the breeds recognized FCI (Ca de bou in FCI is recognized).
Rank CAC
  • All-Russian dogshows for all breeds.
  • Regional dogshows for all breeds.
  • To participation in dogshows of rank CAC are admited only the breeds recognized RKF** and FCI.
Monobreed dogshows
  • Are spent by the rules approved by National club of breed RKF (NCB).
  • The International dogshows of international club of breed.
  • National dogshow of NCB (rank Club Champion).
  • Regional dogshows of NCB (rank Club Winner, Candidate in Club Ch.).


* FCI - Federation Cynological International
** RKF - Russian Cynological Federation

How to register on dogshow (a rule of registration)?

All certificate dogshows of RKF are spent only with preliminary record and obligatory release of the catalogue of all participants. The dogs who have been not brought in the catalogue, to participation in an exhibition are not admitted.

At record on a dogshow the owner should give following documents:


  • At absence of the instruction in application a leaf about a dogshow class, the dog is more senior than 15 months automatically is registered in the open class.
  • Date and fair ground, and also time of display of your breed in advance ask at organizers.

Dogshow classes and estimations awarded in them

Class Age, Conditions of record Awarded estimations
  • with 4 to 6 months
  • for record there is enough copy of the metrics of the puppy
  • very perspective
  • perspective
  • unpromising
  • with 6 to 9 months
  • for record there is enough copy of the metrics of the puppy
  • with 9 to 18 months
  • though for record there is enough copy of the metrics of the puppy, the copy of a pedigree is desirable
  • excellent
  • very well
  • well
  • satisfactorily
  • disqualification
  • without an estimation
  • with 15 to 24 months
  • for record the copy of a pedigree is obligatory
  • with 15 months
  • for record the copy of a pedigree is obligatory
  • with 15 months
  • for recording are obligatory the copies of a pedigree and the diploma on working qualities.
  • at international dogshows are valid only certificates on working qualities of the international sample.
  • at the All-Russia and regional dogshows are considered also diplomas by national kinds of training and diplomas of the hunting tests.
  • excellent
  • very well
  • well
  • satisfactorily
  • disqualification
  • without an estimation
  • with 15 months
  • for recording are obligatory copies of a pedigree and one of certificates: the Champion of Russia, Grand Champion of Russia, the National Champion of the country - member FCI, the International Champion FCI.
  • excellent
  • very well
  • well
  • satisfactorily
  • disqualification
  • without an estimation
Winner (only on Monobreed dogshows)
  • with 15 months
  • for recording are obligatory copies of a pedigree and one of certificates: CAC, KCF, the Champion of Federation, Champion of RKF, the Champion of Russia, the Champion of National club, Grand Champion of Russia, the National Champion of the Country - member FCI.
  • with 8 years
  • for record the copy of a pedigree is obligatory

The titles awarded at dogshows

Titles are appropriated only under the decision of the expert according to a rank of a dogshow. The expert is not obliged to appropriate all possible titles at the given dogshow.

All titles are appropriated to the dogs having pedigree recognized RKF, with three generation ancestors.

By way of exception, incomplete pedigrees are admitted for getting of titles till 2010 at of some breeds: recognized FCI - the Australian sheep-dog, the Central Asian sheep-dog, Ca de bou, Italian cane corso, and ect. And at breeds recognized by RKF.

All reserve titles can be awarded only provided that awarded the basic titles.

Title Description
CW (class winner)
  • CW - the winner of a class, is appropriated to the first dog in a class; it is appropriated in all classes and age.
  • R.CW - the reserve winner of a class, is appropriated to the second dog in a class.
  • this titles bring in the diploma.
  • the candidate for Junior Champion of Russia, is appropriated separately on a sex to the dogs who have received a title of the winner (CW) in a junior class.
  • appropriated at regional, All-Russia, International exhibitions.
  • the title is brought in the diploma and separately stands out the certificate of the established sample.
Junior Club Winner
  • appropriated at Monobreed dogshows similarly JCAC.
  • the Title is brought in the diploma.
  • the Candidate in Champion of Russia, is appropriated at regional, All-Russia and International exhibitions in each class, since intermediate, for the best male and best female.
  • the title is brought in the diploma and separately stands out the certificate of the established sample.
  • the reserve candidate in Champion of Russia, is appropriated at regional, All-Russia and International exhibitions in each class, since intermediate, the second dog in a comparative ring of males (females).
  • the title is brought in the diploma.
  • the Champion of Federation (RFLS, RFSS, OANKOO, RFOS), is awarded to the best male and the best female at the All-Russia dogshows.
  • the title is brought in the diploma and separately stands out the certificate of the sample established by everyone federation.
Candidate in CH.F
  • the Candidate for Champions of Federation (RFLS, RFSS, OANKOO, RFOS), is appropriated to the best male and the best female at regional exhibitions. At the All-Russia exhibitions it is appropriated in each class simultaneously with title CAC.
  • the Title is brought in the diploma and separately stands out the certificate of the sample established by everyone federation.
  • the Candidate for International Champions of beauty, is appropriated to the best male and the best female at international dogshows.
  • if even to one dog in breed is appropriated title CAC the expert is obliged to give CACIB.
  • the title is brought in the diploma and separately stands out the certificate of the established sample.
  • The reserve candidate for International Champions of beauty. In comparison on R.CACIB goes winners of all classes, since intermediate, and R.CAC that class in which was awarded CACIB.
  • the title is brought in the diploma and separately stands out the certificate of the established sample.
Club Champion
  • champion of club of breed. It is appropriated at a Monobreed national exhibition (rank Club Ch.) to the best male and the best female .
  • the Title is brought in the diploma and separately stands out the certificate of the sample established by NCB.
Club Winner
  • club winner. It is appropriated at a Monobreed national exhibition (rank Club Winner) to the best male and the best female .
  • the title is brought in the diploma and separately stands out the certificate of the sample established by NCB.
  • the order of an exchange of certificates Club Winner on Club Ch. is established by NCB of the Russian Federation.
Candidate in Club Ch.
  • Candidate in Club Champion (CCC) of breed. It is awarded at a Monobreed exhibition (rank Candidate in Club CH.) to the best male and the best female, and also at a Monobreed exhibition (rank CC) to winners of intermediate, open, working, winners, champions classes separately on a sex.
  • the title is brought in the diploma and separately stands out the certificate of the sample established by NCB.
  • the order of an exchange of certificates CCC on Club Ch. is established by NCB of the Russian Federation.
The certificate of conformity
  • the certificate of conformity. It is appropriated at a Monobreed exhibition to a dog who can apply for reception of title CCC, but has lost the winner of a class or in comparison with CCC.
  • Quantity certificate of conformity at a Monobreed exhibition is not fixed, i.e. in one class can be award a some certificates of conformity.
  • the expert is not obliged to award certificate of conformity to the winner of a class.
  • the Title is brought in the diploma and separately stands out the certificate of the sample established by NCB.
  • the order of account certificate of conformity for award a title the Champion of National club is established by NCB of the Russian Federation.

Examination in the ring

  1. The expert solely examines each dog individually, makes the description and gives estimate of dog. Only dogs with an estimation excellent and very well remain on a ring, and the expert dispose them from fourth to the first place.
  2. Upon termination of individual examination of each dog, the ribbons of various color to owners give depending on the received estimations: red - at an estimation "excellent", blue - at an estimation "very well", green - at an estimation "well", yellow - at an estimation "satisfactory", white - at "disqualification".
  3. Conferment of titles is a prerogative of the expert, beyond dependence from quantity of dogs in a ring. The protest on a examination is not accept, the opinion of the expert decidedly and it is not appealable.
  4. For cruel conversion to dogs, unethical behaviour on territory of the exhibition, the provoked fights of dogs, along the application: of expert, ring brigades or members of exhibitional committee - the exhibitional commission RKF can make the decision on disqualification of the owner and a dog on a period from 1 till 3 years from all exhibitions RKF!
  5. At an exhibition is forbidden to expose dogs on strict dog-collars and breast-bands.
  6. Latecomers in ring to examination are exclude.


Handling is an art of preparation and expose of a dog in a ring; accordingly, the person exhibiting a dog, named handler.

Skilled handler is able so to lead a dog on a ring and to put her for the description of expert, that defects of constitution are concealed, but all advantages are visible as on a handbreadth. To achieve such exposing, from a dog is required ideal obedience, readiness to carry out not only direct commands but also to obey the slightest change of the intonation, hardly an appreciable tension of dog-lead. Itself handler should know anatomy of a dog in perfection, feature of movement and nuances of demonstration of concrete breed. Even more often owners of perspective dogs do not exhibit them, and invite professional handlers.

Sources: The encyclopaedic directory. Your Dog. / E.N.Mychko, www.rkf.org.ru. Translate to english - Zakharova M.